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News: Livigno Traffic Free Day. Find out all the info

28 March 2022

An ecological day without traffic

Thursday 31 March 2022 from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. a Traffic Free day in Livigno: traffic ban except for the local public transport, including the connection to Trepalle.

The Traffic free day, organized by the Municipality, in agreement with Apt, Atc and Skipass Association, aims to promote and to raise awareness of sustainable mobility and local public transport, which in Livigno is guaranteed all year round thanks to the free bus service.

Roads closed to traffic

From 10 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on Thursday 31 March the following streets will be closed to traffic (with the exception of local public transport and taxi drivers): Saroch, Borch, Pedrana, Pizabela, Svanon, Confortina, Rin, Pozz, Vinecc, Toiladel, Piceir, Isola, Fontana, Boscola, Prestefan, Sant'Antoni, Plan, Bondi, Pontiglia, Pienz, Taglieda, Crosal, Li Pont (from the Pontiglia roundabout to the school roundabout), Dala Gesa, Ostaria, Botarel, Domenion, Rasia, dela Madonina, Olta, Canton, Molin, Federia, Campacc, Beltram, Pemont, dali Croscetta, Via Teola, Via Parè.

Discover the city map.

In any case, exceptions will be accepted throughout the traffic free day.

Where you can park your car

On the occasion of the traffic free day, guests and citizens are asked to use the parking spaces in Livigno before 10.00 a.m. and to vacate them after 5.00 p.m. Exceptionally, it will be possible to park along Via Teola on this day.

Anyone arriving in Livigno after 10.00 am is advised to use the public car parks in via Freita, at Mottolino, Aquagranda or in the village of Trepalle. The via Marangona will be opened in order to allow the flow of passing traffic.

During the day the urban LPT service will be further enhanced, including the connection to Trepalle.

Click here for more information on traffic free day and exceptions.